I know I haven't posted here in a while (my bad), but I've been rearranging my priorities lately. Life is always evolving into something different. I've changed up some of the hobbies that I'm going to concentrate on. There's only so much time in the day, and I've always had the philosophy that less is more. Which leads me to New Year's resolutions. I don't normally make resolutions, more like I reflect on the year past and look to the new year and decide on what is important or not and try to improve on the year.
I have sold my wheel and gone back to spindle spinning. Why? Because I want to concentrate more on the hobbies I really, really like namely horses. I've been involved in horses (and dogs) for a very long time. I sold my horses 4 years ago when hay was hard to find, but now I'm back with a horse and a pony. I also want to spend my indoor time (aka rainy weather) on knitting and to some extent spinning. LESS IS MORE.
So, my spinning resolution for this year is that I want to spindle spin enough yarn for a sweater/cardigan. There I said it, crazy as it sounds. It may take me a year, it may take me two. But, either way, there's no hurry.
My knitting resolution is to finish the couple of projects I've had on the needles for a few months before I start another knitting project.
And I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!