What a beautiful day it has been! It was actually nice enough that I opened the doors and let some fresh air into the house. I got a lot done today, inside and out. I plied another skein of yarn this morning. White alpaca and some of Moonstruck's fleece. Washed it and dried it. Now it's ready to go. Moonstruck's combed top is all spun and plied as well. Just have the woolen prep to do and then spin that and her fleece will be all done.
I've been teaching Shadow to drive so that I can steer him from behind and pick up rocks to put in the wagon. Sometimes he forgets that he has to take directions, those acorns are so tempting. But, once I get him focused on where I want him to go and not the acorns he does very well. I'm gathering rocks from the field to make raised garden beds, it's a good use for some of the many rocks we have. Seems like every time I turn around more rocks have sprouted!
I also burned some tree limbs that had fallen the last wind storm we had. And since I had a fire going I thought I might as well take advantage of the free heat and bake me a couple of Yukon Gold potatoes. Yum.
I've decided which fleeces I'm having made into roving and which I'm keeping here to process into yarn by hand. After pulling out and sorting the fleece, I can't believe how much I have! Two shearings from Jacinda, Raven, Guthrie, and one from Robin (lamb). So, I'm sending out Jacinda's, Guthrie's, and one of Raven's and keeping Robins' and one of Raven's. I'm hoping to shear before lambing, but it depends on how warm it is mid Feb.