Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Singing In the Rain

Yesterday afternoon it rained enough to take away some of the heat. I think the sheep were secretly singing in the rain. They seemed so much more comfortable. Some of the local fiber farmers have lost animals due to the heat index recently. I have so few sheep, I can't afford to lose a single one.

This is Jacinda. She's my favorite ewe. Very friendly, easy going, and a great mom.

One of our hens hatched out a clutch of chicks this summer. A predator
took a few of the chicks, but one is left. Here's mom and chick.

My last fleece that needed washing, is on the drying rack now. It should be dry by tomorrow. Now that the washing
is done, my goal is to try and spin 1 oz a day. I love spinning the top I combed off of Moonstruck. I'm thinking I need more sheep!


  1. Jacinda is beautiful. You may have written this somewhere else, but what kind of sheep is she?

  2. Hi cpeezers,

    Thankyou! Jacinda is mostly Blue Faced Leicester with some Border Leicester in there too.
